
Fixing the "Session "BizTalkDefaultTrace" failed to start with the..." error

Undocumented fix to the.BizTalk.Interop.SSOClient, Version=7.0.2300.0 error

Notes on Upgrading from BTS 2006 to BTS 2010

Just some of the more annoying problems you might come across when upgrading complex applicaitons (including complex orchestrations) from BizTalk 2006 to BizTalk 2010

Creating an xml debugging file on the fly within development code.

Sometimes you want to have your own debiugging information in a simple xml file with only the steps you need. Here is very simple c# code that creates an xml file and adds nodes on the fly based on what you specify.

In this code, I have a snippet which is a part of a pipeline component. The pipeline component is reading context properties from a bizTalk message nd re-writing them to a newly created message, whilst documenting the steps at the same time on the fly in an xml file for debugging purposes