Thursday, November 3

WCF / Web Service Serialization Error:Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1)

This was a funny one to fix:

Sometimes, when you consume a web service from within a wcf service or some other form of calling client application, trying to use the WSDL from the seb service gives the error described above.

This is due to serialization errors in the proxy code generation process. This is especially prevalent in cases where you are working with unbounded nodes from the xml files generated by the web service in BizTalk

According to Microsoft, "the Web Services Description Language tool (Wsdl.exe) generates proxy code for XML Web services. The generated types that are used in the proxy class are based on the contents of the WSDL document that describes the XML Web service. However, the generated types might not be what you want nor what you expect.

Wsdl.exe determines the best generated type to use for the objects that are specified in the service description. In some cases, the tool uses a least-common-denominator approach for casting objects to a type. For example, an ArrayList parameter in a WebMethod is described in WSDL as a XML Schema (XSD) sequence. When Wsdl.exe finds this array description in the service description, Wsdl.exe then generates a proxy class that uses an Object Array. You may prefer to work with an ArrayList, which was the original type that was used in the WebMethod. If you do not want to use the generated types, you can change the generated types to more desirable types. To get the appropriate object type, you can open the file that contains the generated proxy class, manually change the generated method parameter, and then return types to the appropriate object types"

Basically, what this means is if you add a service reference to a client applicaiton using the web service URI for example, you will generate some files from the wsdl of the web service.

If you browse to your application folder (the client application) on your computer, you should see a service references folder containing the folder for the particular service reference relating to the web service causing the error. In this folder, look for the reference.cs file and replace all the '[][]' with '[]'.

Save the file and close it. Next time you call the web service, you should not get the error above.

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