Monday, January 9

Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when consuming a web service exposed by the PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when consuming a web service exposed by the PeopleSoft Integration Broker

This error prevents adding the bindings from the web service to a Visual studio project even after using the svcutil tool to generate the wsdl and xsd files.

To fix this error, open the wsdl file in a text editor like notepad++

Open the wsdl types collection (<wsdl:types>)

Add a target namespace declaration to each imported schema in the colleciton:
 <xsd:import schemaLocation="GetCompetenciesContainer.v1.xsd" namespace="" />


<xsd:import schemaLocation="GetCompetenciesContainer.v1.xsd" namespace="" targetNamespace=""/>

Finally, add a target namespace declaration to the root schema node as well:

<xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xsd="" targetNamespace="">

Save the wsdl file and now use the Visual Studio tool with the wsdl and the downloaded xds files to generate the required bindings

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