Tuesday, April 12

A correlation set may be initialized only once

Haven't posted in a while, but I just thought this might really save someone some time one day.

Ever had this error and wondered, after lots of head scratching, why you're getting it? I googled in vain and every one kept stating the obvious. Which of course didn't solve my problem (as the obvious hardly ever does).

In my case, I wasn't initializing the correlation set in more than one send shape, there was no other correlation set being initialized in the whole orchestration, and I just couldn't get the error to go away no matter how much I fiddled with things.

In the end I almost slapped myself :). It turns out my correlation scope was in a loop which had been initialized in a parent scope. Technically, this would keep initializing the correlation set, even though in reality, my design would not.

I moved the correlation set into the child scope (where it belonged) and voila! error gone.

Hope this helps some BizTalker out there

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