Wednesday, July 9

Setting up Deployment Framework for BizTalk (BTDF) (basic setup for BizTalk 2013) - iii

Setting up Deployment Framework for BizTalk (BTDF) (basic setup for BizTalk 2013) - part 1, page 3

Previous: Structure and Components

Walkthrough: project
In this section I will start showing how to configure and deploy a simple BizTalk solution using the BTDF.

Step One: Create your BizTalk solution
Creating a BizTalk schemas solution is out of the scope of this document as the assumption is that you are already above that stage.

I will use a BizTalk solution I created earlier containing a schemas project called SmartAlex.BTDFProjects.Common.Schemas, a BizTalk  maps project called SmartAlex.BTDFProjects.Common.Maps and a BizTalk ochestrations project called SmartAlex.BTDFProjects.Common.Orchestrations. Following the naming conventions explained earlier, the solution will look like the figure below. Also note that the solution name is my target BizTalk application name for deployment.

The Visual Studio solution view

The map is a simple map mapping from one schema to the other, and the orchestration simply puts the flow together. It will be picking the request from a  file receive and dropping the mapped message in a file send location.

Step Two: Create your BTDF project
Next, I add a Deployment Framework For BizTalk project to the solution.

Right-click on the solution and 'Add' a new project.

Select 'Deployment Framework for BizTalk Project'.

Select the deployment options (in this case, the default options are fine).
Click on 'Create Project'.

Click on 'OK' once the project is created.

In Visual Studio, you now need to add the project items manually to the solution as described below. This is because the Deployment Framework does not include a custom Visual Studio project type (like. csproj)

Add a new solution folder called 'Deployment'

Browse to the folder you specified when adding the new BTDFproject to your solution. You should see the created components in that folder
Add all the items in the created Deployment root folder to the new solution folder (see diagram below)

The diagram above shows the solution view after adding auto-generated deployment items

If you browse to the project folder again, you should identify the following files

Deployment\Deployment.btdfproj: This is the BTDf deployment project file which holds the configuration information. This file is already described briefly above

Deployment\PortBindingsMaster.xml: This is the parameterized master bindings file which will be used to hold the variable parameters (tokens) for environment-specific bindings settings

Deployment\EnvironmentSettings\SettingsFileGenerator.xml: This is the settings file matrix spreadsheet which will hold the actual environment-spoecific values from which the various environment -specific values will be read. These values will then replace the tokenized (parameterized) variables in the master bindings file, during the creation of the actual bindings files for each environment

We now need to configure the components

Previous: Structure and Components

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